Sunday, June 19, 2022

Wonder- Boys and Books


    Before you begin this book, make sure you have Kleenex tissue handy.  This novel by  R.J. Palacio is a read that you won’t want to put down.  It’s witty, raw, and gripping.  This book was written after the author had a chance encounter with a young girl at an ice cream shop.  The author wanted to write the book to help parents and other children who may also have facial deformities or abnormalities.  The book is titled Wonder because it makes you wonder about life if you were the main character or his parents.  This New York Time’s best sellers list novel was also made into a Hollywood box office hit.  This novel is appropriate for all young adults.  Its’ story is about overcoming fears, diversity, bullying and the strength and love of family.

                August Pullman is a 10-year-old boy who lives with his parents, sister, and dog “Daisy” in Brooklyn New York.  In most ways, he is just like any other 10-year-old boy, except for the fact that he has severe facial deformities.  When August was born, the doctors rushed him away from his parents immediately. He was born with a genetic condition, Treacher Collins Syndrome. In his 10 short years on Earth, Auggie has endured numerous surgeries to try to help his facial deformities.  

Because of his constant surgeries, Auggie has not attended schooled has been homeschooled instead, that is until this year.  He and his family have decided that he will attend Beecher Prep for the fifth grade.  Auggie visits the school and meets the principal along with a few students.  He is apprehensive, scared, nervous, and decides that maybe he does not want to go. He hits it off with a young man named Jack; Jack befriends Auggie.  Jack is leery of Julian, and rightfully so.  Julian acts like an angel in front of adults, but bullies Auggies when adults are not around.  An  incident occurs at Halloween where he overhears his friend Jack joining in saying awful mean comments with Julian and others.  The reconcile over winter break and Jack admits to the awful things he said about Auggie.  Unfortunately, Auggie once again overhears a conversation not intended for his ears.  He overhears his sister, Via, tell her mom that she is glad that Auggie does not go to her new school and that she does not wish for him to attend her school play.  She is nervous that others will know that he is her brother. 

                I have been reading this book during quiet time to my summer camp students.  Even my most talkative students listen intently to this novel as I turn each page, patiently waiting for the next challenge Auggie will face to be revealed. 

    A great activity to complete with this novel is to create Wonder portraits

Students will create their own wonder drawing and think of 15 ways they can be kind.  They paint the 15 different sections and then write a way they can be kind on each ray.  

Students can also take the pledge to choose kind.  The pledge would involve reading the book and a taking a pledge to choose kind always.  

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