Sunday, June 26, 2022

El Deafo- Children's graphic Novel


El Deafo -Children’s Literature- Graphic Novel

                                            Written and illustrated by CeCe Bell


This graphic novel is a loose autobiographical story about the author’s childhood growing up deaf.  CeCe Bell wore hearing aids and often felt she wasn’t accepted by other children; she felt she was different.  CeCe is frustrated and depressed because of how she is treated, but too scared to say anything because she doesn’t want to lose the few ‘friends’ she does have.  The characters are represented as bunnies, and she uses her hearing aid as a superpower.  Sometimes her teachers forget to turn off their tiny microphones that allow her to hear them in her hearing aid, and she is privy to conversations and information she probably is not supposed to hear.  She adopts the secret nickname “El Deafo”.  As she gets older, she becomes more confident about her impediment and even confronts those people who treat her differently.  She discovers that many of those individuals do not realize how hurtful their actions can be.  She even gains a new friend and sidekick after she reveals her secret persona, “El Deafo” to her new friend.  With age, comes confidence and CeCe realizes that she doesn’t have to hide or be ashamed of her disability, rather she has a different ability and can proudly share her superpower with others. 


This link has a read aloud by the author herself, as well as the inside scoop of the story.

An extension activity with this book would to be for the class to do a research project on the deaf community.  The students could also learn sign language to learn how some individuals with a hearing impediment communicate. 

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